Míle buíochas le gach éinne a ghlac páirt sa suirbhé athbhreithniú stráitéiseach le déanaí.Ba chéad chéim fíor-thábhachtach í lenár gclub ag tosnú ar fhorbairt phlean stráitéiseach cúig bliana. Gan amhras tabharfaidh d’aiseolas agus moltaí luachmhara tuiscint faoi leith dúinn conas gur féidir le CLG Daingean Uí Chúis forbairt a dhéanamh sna cúig bliana romhainn.
A massive thank you to everyone who completed our recent strategic review survey. This was a very important first step in our club embarking on the development of a five-year Strategic Plan. Your valued feedback and suggestions will dictate how CLG Daingean Uí Chúis will evolve over the next five years.
RESPONSES / COMPETITION WINNER: 156 of you had your say (which way exceeded our expectations). Congratulations to Brian O’Connell, Spa Road who was the lucky winner of the Year’s Subscription to Dingle Lotto (play at www.dinglegaa.ie/lotto). We had really strong engagement across all key stakeholder groups, across all age groups and had a healthy 60% male/40% female gender mix. Aside from the volume and diversity of the replies we are really appreciative of the time and effort people put into their responses – the quality of the feedback and suggestions was terrific and will be invaluable to the club as we move forward – míle buíochas. It was also lovely to see so many responses coming in from outside of the Dingle Peninsula with feedback not only coming in from all parts of Ireland but from further afield destinations such as Australia, America, Dubai, UK, etc.
OVERALLL SENTIMENT: Overall, the survey showed that there is a really strong sentiment towards the club – a strong appreciation for all the great volunteer work undertaken by so many people. As one respondent remarked “It’s natural to look at how we can improve but what we have would be the envy of most clubs in the country”. The survey reaffirms that the 5 year development plan needs to focus on improvements / refinements (building upon a really solid base).
TOP SATISFACTION AREAS: The areas that came back with the highest satisfaction scores in the survey were ‘Standard of Coaching / Games @ Juvenile Level’ followed by ‘Standard of Coaching / Games @ Adult Level’. In the Juvenile area, there was a massively positive response to the pre-xmas Sunday morning academy sessions in particular (with all underage teams training on the same morning). Parents felt it brought a real togetherness & community spirit and the children of course loved having the senior players involved.
IMPROVEMENT AREAS: On the flip side, the areas that came back with most scope for improvement were ‘Quality & Range of Infrastructure & Facilities’ followed by ‘Level of Community Involvement & Engagement’. On the facilities front, a new community centric clubhouse and improved floodlighting featured prominently in the replies. The clubhouse in particular came in for a lot of attention in the survey! On the Community front, respondents were full of praise for the role the club played in the COVID response but some really good future suggestions came in such as active involvement in Dingle Tidy Towns, Local Charity / Community-Cause Partnerships, Family Fun Days / Community Days, etc.
NEXT STEPS: Strategic Review Focus Groups are now in the process of being established (leaders and teams currently being appointed) that align to the key pillars in our strategic plan (Infrastructure & Facilities, Coaching / Games Development, Community Involvement & Engagement, Communications / PR & Culture, Finance / Fundraising, Club’s Organisational Structure, Management & Governance and Health & Wellbeing). The Survey feedback will be a key input into that process. Other GAA clubs, Kerry Co Board officers, local & national expertise, etc. will also be consulted for input where appropriate. The focus groups will then be responsible for making the final informed recommendations to the Strategic Review Steering Committee in advance of the 5 Year Development Plan being drafted. We will keep you updated on progress.